Please join us for our Napa Green Town Hall and happy hour at Trefethen Family Vineyards on Tuesday, November 8 from 4-6 pm. Anyone in the community is welcome – whether you’re a member, you might be considering Napa Green certification, or you just want to learn more about our work. Our whole team will be there to connect over drinks and appetizers. We will provide the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, and then open to guests for any questions not yet covered.

Register here:

For those of you who have been transitioning to the cutting-edge Napa Green Vineyard certification it’s time to move that across the finish line! If you haven’t yet submitted the Questionnaire, you need to schedule your Carbon Farm Plan assessment, or you just need to know next steps, please reach out to Ben Mackie, Vineyard Program Manager, ben@

It is hard to believe we’re already nearing the end of 2022. We’re here to work with your team to ensure the end of year is as sustainable as possible.

– Anna Brittain, Executive Director

conservation burn

Join us for Conservation Burning & Alternatives Demo Dec. 9

Do you want to see firsthand how to dramatically reduce air pollution from vine pile and fire fuel thinning burns? On Friday, December 9 Raymond Baltar with the Sonoma Biochar Initiative and the Sonoma Ecology Center will lead a demonstration of the conservation/low-smoke burn technique, as well as a flame-cap kiln. The Clean Burn Company will also demonstrate the AirBurners’ BurnBoss air curtain technology. Lunch will be provided.

Register here:

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Climate-Smart Funding Opportunities

New rounds of grant funding for CDFA programs will be opening this fall. Get your project concepts ready because more funds are being released for SWEEP (water efficiency and GHG reduction) and the Healthy Soils Program (compost, cover crops, etc.). SWEEP grants can help fund the purchase of flow meters, Variable Frequency Drives, and tools like Tule Technologies to more precisely target the timing and amount of irrigation.

The Pollinator Habitat Program is a new grant funding source from the CDFA that is open now and closing 11/23.

Both Ben Mackie, Napa Green Vineyard Program Manager, and partners at the RCD are available to help facilitate CDFA grant funding applications. For more information, please reach out to Ben at ben@

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has announced more than $100 million in funds for projects to replace polluting equipment with zero-emission mobile ag equipment. This includes commercially available EV tractors and supporting infrastructure. The District’s Charge! Program is also offering incentive funding for installing EV charging stations. 

Matching Funds for Soil Lab Analysis

We are happy to announce that through our USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant we have a significant pool of matching funds available for lab soil analysis. Please review the Napa Green Certified Vineyard soil sampling guidance and requirements. If you would like to request matching funds for soil analysis please contact Sierra Minchaca, Climate & Soil Specialist, at sierra@

Save the Dates for Napa RISE – New Name, Same Leadership Goals

We are excited to announce the new name of our second annual 2023 Climate & Wine Symposium – Napa RISE: Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability, Empowerment. Charles Krug Winery is once again generously hosting and sponsoring this event in the beautiful Carriage House. Across April 5 & 6, 12 & 13, 19 & 20 we will continue critical conversations and workshops to accelerate sustainability and climate action in the wine industry. Please keep an eye out for Early Bird tickets in December.

Napa Green Ambassador Training

Sustainability and sustainable winegrowing are hotter topics than ever. This was reflected by the incredible participation in our October 27 Ambassador Training at Chimney Rock Winery. Thank You to the more than 50 guests who joined us. We look forward to seeing and supporting the creative ways you share your sustainability story.

The Ambassador Training was recorded and is available for you and your team to leverage at any time:

Enjoy Recent Instagram Reels with our Sponsors

Cork 2

Amorim Cork America

and the Napa Green Team 

Keystone 2

Keystone Capsules 

and the Teacher’s Resource Center 

Napa Green Sponsors

Napa Green is grateful to our sponsors, who help fund our expanding operations and programs. If you are interested in becoming a Napa Green Sponsor please reach out to Napa Green Executive Director, Anna Brittain.