
Reach 14 of the Oakville to Oak Knoll project before restoration.


Reach 14 after restoration efforts.

Oakville to Oak Knoll - Building on the Success of the Rutherford Reach

The 9.5 mile Oakville to Oak Knoll (OVOK) Napa River restoration project flows immediately south of the Rutherford Reach restoration. More than 30 landowners are voluntarily participating in this collaborative effort, and like the Rutherford Reach, they are helping fund the long-term monitoring and maintenance of the project. OVOK is expected to cost more than $20 million, with state and federal grants matched by Measure A flood control sales tax funds supporting the effort.
OVOK represents the longest reach of integrated restoration planning along the Napa River to date. The project focuses on a 23 priority sites, with 4.8 miles of active channel restoration underway. Notably, the project encompasses 115 acres, including restoration of more than 80 acres of riparian and channel habitat, critical for thriving fish populations. Participating landowners are contributing monetarily and giving up planted acreage, with approximately 42 acres of vineyard land rededicated to this effort. Activities include floodplain restoration and managed retreat; channel widening; biotechnical bank stabilization; increased in-stream habitat complexity; removal of invasive species and management of PD host plants; and revegetation with native riparian plants.

Large-scale restoration allows the development of diverse habitats, which become habitat nodes, connecting areas of the river together for improved biological function.

CLSI spearheaded the development of OVOK and has overseen the removal of two acres of invasive Arundo donax along four miles of the river, followed by revegetation with native plants. Grading and engineering is complete at several sites, with riparian revegetation underway. Although this winter’s heavy rains this winter made securing new plants a challenge, project completion is slated for 2021.
At least six wineries are involved in the OVOK restoration project, including:

Read the Series:


Partnerships Help Restore the Napa River | Restoration of the Napa River is a testimony to the power of public-private partnerships in revitalizing the health of waterways and riparian lands.


Rutherford Restored | The Rutherford Reach restoration project has been lauded for rapid accomplishments achieved through private commitment and public partnership.


Oakville to Oak Knoll – Building on the Success of the Rutherford Reach | The 9.5 mile Oakville to Oak Knoll (OVOK) Napa River restoration project flows immediately south of the Rutherford Reach restoration.


Napa River Restoration Part II: Along the Upper Napa River | The California Land Stewardship Institute (CLSI) is working with landowners on a restoration plan for a 5.3 mile stretch of the upper Napa River just downstream from Calistoga.

I applaud all vineyards and wineries that achieve Napa Green certification for their commitment to conservation and care for our community.​