Hello Napa Green Community,
Happy 2022! I hope it is off to a good start.
$456,000 GRANT!
We’ve had some fireworks over here at Napa Green – we were awarded a $456,000 three-year Specialty Crop Block Grant to continue to establish and grow our new, industry-leading Napa Green Vineyard certification. We will be able to hire another farm specialist to provide direct support with certification and on-the-ground implementation of regenerative, carbon farming practices. We will also host a series of practical workshops on topics like Soil Health & Vineyard Resilience; Conservation Burning & Alternatives; Planting Hedgerows.
The Napa Green Vineyard certification has officially REPLACED the Napa Green Land program as of January 1st. In January, Opus One became the first member certified to the new program, and we have several more members hot on their heels. In all, we have 43 members committed to transitioning to the new Vineyard certification, representing over 5,800 vineyard acres, and over 14,700 total land acres.
You can begin the Napa Green Vineyard certification process at any time. Please reach out to Ben Mackie, our Climate & Soil Specialist, who can answer questions and guide you through the process (ben@ 

If you were recognized as Napa Green Land we ask that you take down any signs with the Napa Green Land logo, as this program no longer exists. Napa Green Certified Sustainable Vineyard signs can be hung once you have your NGV Action Plan.

All things grow and evolve. What were leading practices for many years to prevent erosion and improve watershed health, became a Regional Water Board regulatory compliance standard. These practices are now foundational to being an agricultural business in the Napa Valley. Please continue to work with programs like LandSmart or other qualified experts to maintain your vineyard WDR compliance.
We look forward to building on this foundation and working with growers to set the bar for global vineyard sustainability and climate action & adaptation leadership.

Napa Green Launches PR Campaign and New Site CertifiedSustainable.Wine

On January 28, Napa Green launched a series of 12 full-page ads in the Napa Valley Register to help the community understand the meaning, substance and impact of sustainable winegrowing. The ads are organized around the Six Pillars of Sustainable Winegrowing Leadership, and spotlight Napa Green champion vintners and growers sharing their commitment and achievements.
The print campaign is backed by a public-facing website, CertifiedSustainable.Wine, that digs deeper into the Six Pillars and shares more opportunities to Take Action. Keep your eyes out for ads running February 11 & 25, March 11 & 25, April 8 & 22, May 13 & 27, June 10, 17 & 24.
We are grateful to our exclusive PR campaign sponsor:

Wine Resilience Leadership – NapaTHRIVES June 2022

Mark your calendars for NapaTHRIVES (Transformation, Health, and Resilience Initiatives in Viticulture & Enology Symposium) – a series of events throughout the month of June to accelerate wine industry sustainability and climate action & adaptation leadership.
There will be six action-oriented half-day events organized around the Six Pillars of Sustainable Winegrowing Leadership. And the events are just the beginning. Dedicated facilitators and mentors will follow-up with participants to provide direct support, tools and funding strategies to transition opportunities to reality.
This convening will culminate in a black-tie gala that will raise money for ongoing sustainability and climate action leadership in Napa County.
NapaTHRIVES is being designed by a dedicated coalition of community organizations and businesses. Learn more at CertifiedSustainable.Wine/NapaTHRIVES/.
GREEN WINE FUTURE: As a perfect launching pad to NapaTHRIVES, Napa Green is a Strategic Partner with Green Wine Future, a four-day series of global virtual events May 23-26. Green Wine Future is an ambitious and innovative environmental conference for the international wine community, tackling all angles of wine industry solutions to the climate crisis.
EARLY BIRD FULL ACCESS REGISTRATION ENDS FEBRUARY 15th! Early Birds save almost 50%. Register now!

With NapaTHRIVES we will move the conversation from the Green Wine Future 10,000’ perspective to practical, grounded solutions, tools, resources and mentors to turn inspiration to action.

Workshops Coming Soon

Do you want to learn more about the new, industry-leading Napa Green Vineyard certification? Join Ben Mackie, our Climate & Soil Specialist, who will walk through the certification standards, process, and answer any questions.
Join us to discuss All Things Bottle Sustainability, from ways to Lighten Up your glass, glass reuse and recycling, closures, cork, and the sticky issue of labels.
  • Date & Location TBD, Mid-March
Come out to see live demonstrations of Conservation and Flame-cap Kiln burns, led by Raymond Baltar and his team from the Sonoma Ecology Center, as well as an AirBurner.
  • Date & Location TBD, Late-March
If you would be interested in serving as the demonstration site for this workshop contact Ben Mackie, ben@
We will post workshop details and registration on our Events page. We will also directly email Napa Green members with workshop information. 

New Tin in Town: Keystone Capsules

Our All Things Bottle Sustainability workshop will include a new Napa Green Sponsor, Keystone Capsules, providing premium tin capsules. Did you know tin is not only a valuable, high-quality metal but infinitely recyclable? Made in the USA, Keystone Capsules is the only producer in the industry with a dedicated recycling division and sustainable refining process. They are committed to work with wineries to keep tin capsules out of the landfill.
Locally, they have partnered with the Teacher’s Resource Center, who picks up used tin capsules from tasting rooms. Keystone Capsules pays a premium for this tin and all funds go to buy school supplies for teachers. Creative and innovative! You can also work with Keystone Capsules directly for recycling needs.
Additionally, Keystone Capsules is a division of Nathan Trotter & Co, which works with the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI) to ensure responsible global sourcing of tin and tin concentrates. Learn more at

Napa Green Sponsors

Napa Green is grateful to our sponsors, who help fund our expanding operations and programs. If you are interested in becoming a Napa Green Sponsor please reach out to Napa Green Executive Director, Anna Brittain.