~20 Acres in the St. Helena area
Flat, benchland
Tractor: Clemens
Handwork: Weed wackers - in-house
Handwork: Shovels - both in-house and contracted
2 with Clemens; 1 with weed wackers; 1 with shovels
Yes, but seldomly. Only used as an early pass to manage weeds when the soil is too wet to avoid tractor compaction.
Standard practice is to till but there is also a small, long-term no-till trial.
Bermuda grass; Yellow Starthistle; Puncturevine
Yes, ownership has strong feelings about visual weed management.
Napa Green Vineyard
Tractor w/Clemens
Labor: $800/pass
Fuel: $500/pass 2x a year = $163/Acre/Year
Handwork, Weedeater 4-5 Days = $119/Acre/Year
Handwork, Shovel 12 Hours = $18/Acre/Year
Handwork, Shovel, VMC = $318/Acre/Year
Annual Total Undervine Management = $618 /Acre/Year